
Wi-Fi on MARTA

WiFi on MARTA (to)

MARTA now has free Wi-Fi Lite on all buses and trains. Catch up on emails on the way to work, check stats on the way to a game or check in on the way to the airport. Riding MARTA lets you disconnect from the stress of driving in traffic while you connect to the world with free Wi-Fi.

To Experience Wi-Fi on MARTA

  1. Select the Network – Go to your Wi-Fi settings and select the proper network name based on your rail car number or bus. (e.g. MARTA_Rail_Guest_673 or MARTA_Bus_Guest)
  2. Accept the Terms - When you select the network, a mini-browser login page will pop up on your screen. Clicking the button, the “Terms of Internet Service Use” page will pop up. Review and accept the terms and conditions to connect to the internet. This page is also available in Spanish.
  3. Enjoy the internet – Now you’re free to use the MARTA Wi-Fi. 

Now that you are free to connect on MARTA, there’s nothing stopping you.  What would you like to do next?

Download a free MARTA On-the-Go App
Check on Schedules for the stop or station nearest you


Where can I use the MARTA Wi-Fi?
The MARTA Wi-Fi is currently available on all buses and trains. Mobility vehicles will receive Wi-Fi connections by Mid-2018. 

What can I do on the MARTA Wi-Fi network?
We recommend that you use MARTA Wi-Fi for general web browsing such as checking emails, connecting to social media pages, etc. Please note that users share the same limited bandwidth. Streaming video content or downloading large files is prohibited based on bandwidth. You can also find up-to-date information on service and schedule changes with the MARTA On-The-Go App. Also, we ask that you refrain from viewing inappropriate content.

What is the internet speed?
MARTA Wi-Fi Lite uses the same technology as your mobile phone for internet access and speeds will vary throughout the train route.

Will I lose my internet connection when switching modes or rail cars?
If you move from one mode or railcar to another, you will need to re-open your settings and select the proper Wi-Fi network. 

Is Wi-Fi offered in MARTA stations also? 
We are expanding our Wi-Fi and cellular services to our stations. Currently, only Five Points, Peachtree Center, and Dome Stations have Wi-Fi. 

What about the security of the network?
MARTA Wi-Fi is shared among all users on your train car. As with any Wi-Fi source, please take extra precautions with what information you share and transactions you perform.

Wi-Fi Connection is great for most web browsing such as email, e-books and social media, but does not support larger broadband use, such as streaming videos.

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