Image description: A MARTA bus is raised up by a newly installed lift inside of a maintenance garage. Below, new red control panels sit on epoxy flooring.
Current Status
A total of 26 lifts will be remanufactured under this program. As of late 2024, 20 bus lifts have been updated and two are in progress. Work will begin on the final four units in late 2024/early 2025.
Project Overview
MARTA’s maintenance facilities operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and 365 days a year. As part of our ongoing State of Good Repair efforts, MARTA is working on a variety of projects to maintain and modernize these mission critical facilities.
The Bus Lift Rehabilitation Program ensures high-use bus lift equipment is updated in a timely manner. These lifts are critical to the operation of the Authority’s revenue vehicle fleet and ensure bus repairs happen safely and quickly to maintain timely service for customers.
Averaging 25 years of service each, 26 lifts across two garages will be complete upon project completion in Spring 2025. Each lift is completely stripped down, thoroughly inspected for defects, surfaces refinished, new parts installed, and then reassembled. In addition to the lift improvements, 18,000 sq ft of epoxy flooring was safely stripped and refinished at Perry Bus Garage. A huge thanks to our vendor, EQ Renew, for their support during this project.
Project Features
As a part of the bus lift rehabilitation program, the following lift components are updated:
- New platforms
- Hydraulic system components (manifolds, etc.)
- Lift cylinders
- Metalwork (fabrication, paint, etc.)
- Lift control units
- New epoxy flooring
Image Description: In the top photo (before), the raised platform and lift equipment look worn, paint has faded, and rust is beginning to appear. The bottom photo (after) shows a new, raised platform lift. New red and yellow paint is on the platform and floor below. Metal pieces inside the lift have been replaced.
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Please submit comments or questions regarding the project to:
Sean Thomas
Director of Facilities